Sunday, May 30, 2010

Lazy River

Some friends and I spent a beautiful day at Krause Springs (, about 30 minutes outside of Austin, on floats hanging out. If you haven't been there, you're missing out. Most of the area is shaded, there's a cave, small waterfall, a rope swing, swimming pool and plenty of rocks to lounge around on. It's just $5 per person to get in. I wish our pictures were posted on Facebook already, but for now you'll just have to check out the website (

Afterward we had dinner at Maudie's, a Central Texas Tex-Mex favorite. I ordered the fish tacos, which were not my fave fish tacos ever, but definitely not bad. Our order got lost, so it took especially long, but we all got to hang out a little longer, so I guess it wasn't too terrible. Mark threw his tortillas off a two story balcony—somewhat on accident—which spiced things up a bit. I still have leftovers, which I hope to use for a Tex-Mex brunch ... fish migas? You never know ...

I'm completely worn out, so it looks like an evening in bed reading for me.

UPDATE—photos from Facebook:

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